Deck Planning

April 23rd, 2021|

Deck Planning
When you are planning to build a deck there are lots of details that are helpful to get settled before you get started.

Deck Size
It is always a good idea to measure out with rope or a tape measure the size of deck you are thinking of adding to your house. What might look like a reasonable size on the deck design program may look too small or large next to your home. Sometimes there are hills or trees or other issues to deal with as well. By measuring out the area in your yard, you discover them well ahead of when you get a load of framing lumber and decking material for exterior use.

Deck Height
The height of your deck may seem like a trivial piece of info, but it does affect the cost of the deck in a few ways:

Post Height
Obviously, higher decks mean longer support posts. What it can also mean is that you need to use thicker posts to support your deck if it’s high enough off of the ground. 4 x 4’s are not always the post to use, and are often not even allowed by building codes for decks over a certain height. If you plan on 4 x 4’s, but are required to use 6 x 6’s, your deck budget might not be as flexible as you want it to be.

If your deck is only one step off of the ground, you may not need to have a rialing at all. But if it’s much higher, you will need a railing, both for safety and for meeting building codes. The size of the railing may vary a little also with height.

The height and plan of your stairs also depend rather heavily on the deck height. Will the stairs be a straight run up to the deck, or will you turn a corner? What sort of support posts will the stairs need? How many stairs will there be for that height? [Hint: a normal rise per step is around 7 inches.